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These provisions aim to regulate the use of electronic services selling different goods and services offered by EUROPART HISPANO Alemana SA en adelante EUROPART HISPANO ALEMANA compañía mercantil que opera por Internet desde su página web vendiendo a sus clientes recambios para vehículos industriales

The clauses are listed below form the framework contract that all users accessing the page are required to know and accept. For the purposes only of the general conditions, la expresión “usuario” comprende cualquier internauta que acceda a la página web ya sea directamente, either from any other website.

Los servicios ofrecidos por EUROPART HISPANO ALEMANA en la presente web se regularán por las condiciones contenidas en el presente contrato. EUROPART HISPANO ALEMANA se reserva el derecho a modificar, Total or partial, these general conditions, continue to apply the new agreed upon from the time of its publication on page. Anyway, such modifications will not have retroactive effects on the goods or services previously contracted by users.

These Terms are binding on both parties and are an integral and inseparable part of the sales contract which effectively operates at the time of signing the order at the request of customer, through contracting mechanisms that will be specified later, all in accordance with the provisions of Article. 1.255 the Civil Code which lays down the principle of autonomy and agreements between the contracting parties. A todos los efectos se entenderá que, al realizar un pedido, la persona usuaria acepta las condiciones y reglas de uso aquí relacionadas.

Para garantizar en su integridad los derechos de los consumidores y usuarios de EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN these General Conditions are established in accordance with the provisions of the Spanish law, and particularly in the Law 3/2014, of 27 March, por la que se modifica el texto refundido de la Ley General para la Defensa de los Consumidores y Usuarios y otras leyes complementarias, Law 7/98 of 13 April General Conditions of Contract, Law 7/96 of 15 January Retail Trade, Civil Code, Directive 2000/31 EC of the European Parliament and of the Council 8 June, Law 34/2002 of 11 July services of information society and electronic commerce.


EUROPART HISPANO Alemana SA established in Industrial Estate Source Jar w / City of Barcelona, 52 Paterna 46980 (Valencia), provista de CIF A96598917 presta sus servicios de venta electrónica por Internet en su página

Contact Su direction es el email The address for claims indicated as correspond to the registered office of the company.

Las presentes Condiciones Generales regulan la contratación de productos y servicios ofertados por EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN and advertising to your clients / customers, all through your web page, and the rights and obligations of the parties relating to the transactions of sale concluded between the same.


EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN pursuant to the provisions of art. 10 Act 34/2002 of 11 July, through its website and these Terms and Conditions, provides access electronically permanently, easy, Direct free and comprehensive information to its name (fiscal data, registry, address and e-communications), as well as customer data, exclusive access to the same, held by Company.


El usuario de la página web de EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN entitled to free access to public information contained in the same, si bien EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN reserves the right to restrict access to information, promotions and special offers to registered customers.

Cualquier usuario que acceda a la página web de EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN entitled to register as a client, can therefore benefit from the special offers for the group of registered customers if you meet the specific conditions of the tender which are specified for each product.

La información pública contenida en la página web de EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN referida tanto a la compañía EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN as brands, produce, logos,... Of wholesalers and manufacturers of the products and services are protected by the laws on intellectual and industrial property, so the copy is not authorized, transmission, assignment, enajenación o utilización por el cliente ajenas a la finalidad publicitaria de su publicación virtual que no cuenten con el consentimiento expreso de EUROPART HISPANO ALEMANA o del fabricante del producto o del titular de marcas y logotipos, on the terms provided in paragraph XI Property Rights Intellectual.


El cliente/usuario con carácter previo a la formalización de la compra de cualquiera de los productos ofertados por EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN must register their personal facts and circumstances necessary to formalize the contract of sale (Name or company name, DNI/NIF, home, email address, phone number / fax).

Para poder realizar pedidos en la página Web, cada cliente proporcionara a EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN voluntarily and at your own risk their personal data.

All personal data provided by customers of any fraudulent or false may be considered as a crime of falsification of commercial documents.

EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN may offer the customer a personal registration system through a personalized access (login) and password (password) to facilitate future customer purchase transactions. In this case, the client may designate its option key and desired password, provided they are available or not assigned to other clients. Through an automatic process, EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN if the customer wants, generate the password and the password for the client. Keys or passwords will not be accepted for immoral content, offensive, vexatious, discriminatory or contravene the provisions of the laws, ni aquellas with terms that allude to brands, Products and names protected by the laws on Intellectual Property, Industrial or contrary to the rights to privacy, the honor and self-image.

The client is committed to ensuring the confidentiality of your own password and password. EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN declines any liability for the misuse or negligence by the customer in fulfilling its obligation of confidentiality of their passwords.



Pricing Policy: EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN at all times reserves the right to unilaterally modify the price of products and services offered through its website. To ensure customer security and certainty of the price of their products, this will be the effect on the advertising at the time of placing the order.

En el proceso de compra electrónica se seguirán los siguientes pasos según el menú de opciones consignado en la página web de EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN

Information about the product offered to the customer: description, Brand Manufacturer, Photo guidance (if).

The purchased product may suffer, manufacturer for availability, no substantial changes in the components, Lot features or benefits that comprise, provided they do not pose a demerit of the qualities and services advertised.

Information about product price: information of the final price or retail price of the product to purchase, containing therein the final cost to the customer and including VAT, shipping and insurance of goods by transport and handling. The Final Cost, therefore, will be reported to the customer in the e-procurement process before it formalized its acceptance by selecting the "order acceptance" menu option. Los posibles descuentos o regalos promocionales serán libremente dirigidos por EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN a los colectivos designados en cada momento por EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN or according to the product offered, under existing advertising at all times on your website.

Order Acceptance: at the time of placing the order, once used the menu option means accepting the order given client consent to the validity and effectiveness of the sales contract that requires the parties. EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN electronically store the order.

El compromiso adquirido por EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN sale and delivery of the goods offered is subject to stock the advertised product and its availability while stocks last, por lo que EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN in its commitment to quality and customer service, tries at all times that the products advertised are available. However, Under exceptional circumstances interactive multiple orders or those which cause the Product Stocks, the order and the contract between the parties shall have no effect under this clause, fully restoring the client in case of prepaid amounts paid by the same, without it being necessary for any of the parties compensation whatsoever for breach of contract, consequential damages or lost profits.

Payment by the customer.

  • Prepayment: mediante ingreso en efectivo o transferencia bancaria del importe íntegro a favor de la cuenta bancaria titularidad de EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN publicada en su web o notificada al usuario; in both forms of prepayment specifically mentioning the order number to which the payment relates.

Bill: EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN emitirá factura en formato electrónico (PDF) send email to, once the sale has been made. EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN warns that it can not subsequently modify sales invoices in compliance with current legislation. (Royal Decree 1496/2003 Turnover on standards, modified by Royal Decree 87/2005). The invoice will be issued in the name of the person or company placing the order, so the customer must ensure ordering the correct name. No further changes will be possible.

Delivery of the product purchased: is established within 24 hours for the actual delivery of the product from the time in which the date of delivery thereof is set at the checkout, and once you have made the payment transfer order and received the receipt thereof.

Location and method of delivery: The order will be delivered to the designated address at the time of recruitment by the customer. The subsequent changes in the place of delivery requested by the client may generate additional costs on the selling price will be at buyer's expense. The goods will be delivered to the customer by shipping company, together with the delivery note that the information needed to identify the customer shall be entered, order, and the number of packages in the shipment. The goods are at all times cover against risks of transport, loss and handling.

The case of verifying the customer upon delivery of the goods received in error, or that it is visibly damaged, deberá consignar estas circunstancias en el albarán del transportista y poner en conocimiento estos hechos a EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN en el plazo de 14 días hábiles por escrito o e-mail a mediante el servicio de atención al cliente publicado en su página web implementando el formulario de desistimiento que se proporciona en el punto al efecto, dirigido al email o al domicilio social de la empresa. In any case, the customer must verify that the goods have been delivered in perfect condition. Subsequent Claims 14 días hábiles después de la entrega no podrán ser aceptadas.

Merchandise that has not been delivered within 48 horas o 2 días laborales desde la salida de la misma de las instalaciones de EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN por causa no imputable al vendedor será devuelta al mismo, restituting amounts paid orders if the prepayment.


La garantía de los productos vendidos por EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN se presta y establece en virtud de la normativa existente de garantías en la Venta de Bienes de Consumo, legal framework that aims to provide the consumer options for remedies when the purchased not in accordance with the contract, giving you the option to require the repair or replacement of the goods, unless this is impossible or disproportionate. When you repair or replacement are not possible or are disproportionate, the consumer may claim a price reduction or termination of the contract.

Commercial Warranty: manufacturers can provide additional guarantees, the extent and duration differ between products and brands. These guarantees shall be exclusively borne by the manufacturer that requires them. Under this law, el vendedor está obligado a entregar al consumidor un bien que sea conforme con el contrato de compraventa en los términos que la propia ley establece, Therefore, as Article 4 of the Act on the liability of the seller and purchaser's rights: “The seller shall be liable to the consumer for any lack of conformity which exists at the time of delivery of the. In terms of this Act gives the consumer the right to either repair, a replacement, the price reduction and termination.” In any case, deberá corresponder el número de lote del producto a reparar con los archivos en propiedad de EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN.

EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN no se hará cargo de posibles daños que puedan resultar por mal uso o manipulación. The warranty is void if factors outside the normal use of the product by the customer or by third parties not authorized by the manufacturer. The computation of the warranty shall begin on the day of delivery.


Privacy and security of personal customer data in accordance with the provisions of Spanish legislation on data protection. No diffusion, transmission or release of customer data without your explicit consent. Not receive promotional or advertising emails rejected if any. Consult, modificar y eliminar los datos personales del cliente que obren en la base de datos de EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN a petición del cliente, all in accordance with the provisions of the section on Personal Data Protection.

Acceder gratuitamente a las secciones abiertas de la página web de EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN. Conocer en cada momento el estado de tramitación del pedido efectuado.

Withdrawal / unilateral revocation of the order requested: In accordance with the provisions of Article. 104 del Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2007, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley General para la Defensa de los Consumidores y Usuarios, client (consumers or users are only considered natural or legal persons who acquire, use or enjoy the product as final recipients) tendrá derecho a la revocación del pedido solicitado en un plazo de catorce días desde la recepción del mismo, previa comunicación a EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN within that deadline for timely repayment channels are established (back number, and delivery address form and return shipping), with refund of the product price alone would have paid for the same. If exercise this right of withdrawal, be paid by the customer with return postage and the damage sustained by the product or merchandise. In use cases, rotura del precinto o apertura del recipiente del bien no se aceptará dicha devolución. Return shipping costs will be deducted from the price of the product at the time of refund. In no case can manage getting refunds or exchange merchandise at our address.

EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN no se hará cargo de devoluciones sobre productos manipulados por el cliente, or those goods that are returned incomplete both in its main elements and accessories. There shall be no right of withdrawal after the deadline indicated by their nature can not be returned. Nor shall the waiver on goods or orders that may be considered for its special characteristics as that requested by the client.

En caso de ejercitar el derecho de desistimiento, puede descargar el formulario en el siguiente link

Professionals: Are not considered consumers and users who without becoming final recipients acquire, stored, use or consume goods or services, in order to integrate them into production processes, transformation, marketing the benefits to third parties, so do not benefit from the rights granted to consumers.

Click for shipping products: Delivering a return is not possible to directly manage our facilities, but shall be delivered to the carrier for shipment. We report that, to avoid any incidence, is necessary for smaller products they are protected by an outer packaging – as you received at home – and avoid any kind of damage or tampering of the original product packaging during transport. For more great products is not essential outer packaging to protect the original, however, is important to ensure that the product is shipped safely protected inside the original box with the protections intended for this purpose (corchos, poliespán, bubble plastic, etc.) and avoiding any kind of manipulation in the same. For any questions concerning the proper shipment of products, consult with our Customer Service Department.


  • Save your personal key with due diligence.
  • Utilizar la información publicada por EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN exclusivamente por el cliente estrictamente dentro de la relación comercial personal pretendida.
  • Not play, enajenar o disponer de la información publicada por EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN in its content without the express permission of the company itself.
  • Utilizar fielmente el servicio de compras facilitado por EUROPART HISPANO GERMAN on your website, refrain from manipulating the contents of your website, or interfere with your computer by means of viruses or other conduct prohibited by law.
  • Respect the pact once accepted purchase order, timely payment of the agreed price.


  • Conserve, modificar or suspender on the web right after aviso.
  • Change the price of bids.
  • Reject orders stockouts or customer default.
  • Reject access to tools to clients in case of breach of these conditions.
  • Percibir el importe de las compras del cliente una vez aceptada la transacción.
  • Reserve the domain and retain full ownership of the item until full payment from the customer.
  • Reservarse el derecho de efectuar sorteos de bienes o servicios en su página web.


En caso de conflicto o controversia, el cliente se puede acoger a la plataforma de resolución extrajudicial de litigios en línea de la U.E. en el siguiente enlace